Beer bottles
Imperial has the more attractive bottle of the two main beers of Costa Rica
I like beer.  I like to drink it.  I like to smell it.  I like to just look at it.  I like beer bottles, beer kegs, even beer cans.  There is nothing better than a cold beer on a hot day.
Bottle of Olympia
Paul Cone has kindly submitted this picture of an Oly stubby - 11 ounces of throat cooling delight
A friend mentioned to me that there are a lot occurences of the word “beer” (34 as of 10 January 2002) in my journal.  That gave me the idea to make a beer page on my site.
There are two kinds of beer that are readily available in Costa Rica: Imperial (pronounced eem-pair-ee-all), and Pilsen (peel-sehn).  They are both manufactured by the same company, and they compete with each other.  Imperial is a dark beer, an ale, I guess, and Pilsen is, of course, a pilsner.
I generally try to drink local beers.  When I lived in Texas, I drank Lone Star when I could get it (Lone Star on tap is heaven!), or Shiner Bock, if not.  I do love Fosters, though and I've never even been to Australia.